piccolo padre

This is a photo taken of a wall in this cosy little cafe I spent a short afternoon in on a hot sunny Saturday. I couldn't stop looking at the reflection of the spinning fan in the mirror.

Because E keeps blogging about the bargain vintage buys (and they're beautiful) she always manages to find in the Rozelle Markets, I made it a point to pay a visit there this weekend.

I had no luck on the shopping front. I scoured through racks and racks of vintage dresses, and the only 2 dresses I took a liking to didn't fit me. Sad. I ended up getting a secondhand Stephen Fry book so I don't go home emptyhanded. Now I'm jealous of E. Bleah.

I did, however, discover the best risotto in the world - smoked salmon risotto with fetta and basil pesto in a cream sauce, (ok so I exaggerate but you know what I mean) in Piccolo Padre along the main Darling Street in Rozelle. They serve damn good coffee too. I can't help but notice how retro their coffee machine is too but forgot to take a shot of it. I'm definitely coming back to Piccolo's again.

I shall go back to my usual shopping place - Newtown and hope I have more luck with vintage finds. I wonder if I can find something similar to the dress my mum left me but was accidentally disposed of during my apartment move.


Eileen Chong said...

Oh, sorry to hear you didn't find anything! not even in Mint Condition?

Newtown is great too!! We must go together one day!

monkeycrab said...

I totally forgot to go take a look at Mint Condition la! Duh! I went to Newtown today and was really happy with my finds. I didn't arrange to meet u this time cos it was an impromptu decision to go out. I thought I would be too weak from my diarrhoea to go anywhere but I was so wrong! Hehe.