
This was spotted at the entrance to the cafe just round the corner from my place. It belongs to the new lady they hired. After a short chat with her, I found out that she got this bike for only AUD20 quite by accident - she was on a road trip to Broken Hill and came across an old grandma who was clearing her house of unwanted stuff and the bike was one of the items.

Remember how I wrote I needed a sponsor for a bike that looked exactly like this? That was AUD900+. *faints* Oh why wasn't I on a road trip to Broken Hill on that lucky day?

While Becky and I were waiting for our breakfast and coffee to be ready, we came across the Book of Answers (I first saw it at Tudi's office and it actually gave me some really hilarious answers to my questions then) and I asked it: Should I buy myself a bicycle? And the Book answered: Consider a different approach.

Both Becky and I immediately thought: I should steal it from here!!! Nah, of course I won't. But maybe I should try convincing this bike's current owner to sell it to me for AUD50?

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