planning my meals

As part of Project P, I've been planning my meals so that I have a more balanced diet. Don't get me wrong. It's not about weight loss. It's entirely about consuming the right foods with the required nutrients in the correct proportions for more healthy living.

I can't say I have the perfect meal plan now cos there are still a lot of foods I don't like and will never eat. Just to list a few: wholemeal bread, papayas, certain kinds of green leafy vegetables that are too bitter (like cai xin) and anything that's too sour (like grapefuit or green apples). Also, I believe in pampering myself once in a while so I'll sometimes still give in to my cravings for rubbish food like instant noodles (nissin brand cup noodles chilli crab flavour!) and easy macs. And, how can I ever go to KFC and not eat the chicken skin, or go to a chinese restaurant known for roasted meats and not have the crispy fatty roasted pork/duck skin, or forgo a beer when I hit a pub for a quick meal? I confirm 办不到 lor.

But for a start, I've been cooking dinner almost everyday and bringing homecooked lunch to work on most days so as to minimise any external temptations, and the general guideline for preparing these meals is: at least one serving of fruits AND one serving of veges. Eh, you think this is easy? For my case, it's like getting a lion to eat grass. And this lioness is slowly (and unbelievably) turning vegetarian. Just take a look at what I had for dinner tonight and am going to have again for lunch tomorrow:

In the biggest tupperware: a small serving of rice to fill my stomach, 1 hard boiled egg, a tofu dish with tomatoes and bits of crabsticks in a spicy sauce.

In the medium-sized tupperware: a lot of cauliflower and brocolli steamed with oyster sauce (they are still uncooked in the pic).

In the smallest tupperware: 2 kiwis washed and cut into bite-sized cubes.

Ta da! All packed for tomorrow!

I tell you, I am so loving the steamed cauliflower and brocolli I think I can have that everyday. I need to think of some other vege dish that's easy to prepare and nice to eat before I get sick of this cauliflower-brocolli mix.


Anonymous said...

Wow angel.. look so yummy and tempting I want to have that too!! =)

Anonymous said...

shifu is sooo cool. Tudi is too fogging lazy. :(

monkeycrab said...

angel: ya it's really nice lor. haha. self praise.

tudi: ya i am beginning to really amaze myself. self praise again haha.