
I was hit by severe bouts of PMS last week.

From wiki: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a collection of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle. Women with PMS have symptoms of "sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life". The three most prominent symptoms are irritability, tension and dysphoria (unhappiness).

I got irritated by the most trivial things. I was plaqued with pounding headaches. At one point, I saw stars and had to hold on to something as I thought I was going to pass out. Depression engulfed me on friday and I composed a rather emotional email to Madam J. She must have been so busy getting ready for her wedding on saturday she wouldn't have had the time to read it yet. KT sensed my moodiness through my curt smses and bought me dinner. Very selflessly, he allowed me to unleash all my wrath and irrational emo bullets at him. A few dishes of Taiwanese snacks later, I returned to my chirpy self only to get hit by waves of nausea.

When I was younger, I experienced more of the physical symptoms such as abdominal cramps, bloatedness, muscle aches, migraines and fatigue. It got so bad a few times that I passed out for a minute or two. Once many years ago I almost crawled my way to the clinic just a block away and had an injection of some uber strong painkillers. Mostly, I had to just lie in bed so I can sleep myself to oblivion. Fortunately, such physical discomforts can be alleviated with medication, making them bearable.

The emotional and psychological symptoms are the ones I have yet to learn to handle. Self loathe. Self pity. Loneliness. Zero self esteem. Paranoia. Insecurity. Anger. Sometimes it seems like the end of the world. And I would feel uglier than the ugliest person ever in existence.

These are times when I really need lots of TLC. Loads of compliments. And heaps of good food. Maybe throw in a punching bag too. Oh, and I read somewhere, orgasms are the best cures for PMS. That's definitely worth exploring *insert cheeky grin*. (",)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*bear hugs*