the singaporean colonel's japanese name

Lotsa things to write today, but too tired from a long day of running about so shall KIV for another day. Heard this real-life anecdote from a friend and found it hilarious.

Friend went to visit his ex colleague, a retired colonel enjoying life at home. Colonel happily announced that he has a new japanese name. "Eh guys, tell you my very cool new japanese name - 樱樱左木兰 (for those who can't read chinese, too bad, not possible to explain). Nice? Got special meaning one leh, can guess?"

*Friend scratches head* "Dunno. What?"

Colonel "It means .............." (try to guess la... then view answer in comments - monkey poops below).

Note: this is another rather uniquely singapore joke and requires some knowledge of hokkien expletives.


monkeycrab said...

It means (read hokkien) 'ENG ENG CHO BO LAN'.

Edmond Wu said...

hahahahaha! i'm guess the friend is mr png. lol