yum yum easy macs

If you have been following my food diary, you would have noticed this "microwavable cheese snack" entry popping up so often it almost seems that this snack has become my staple food.

I had my first encounter with this Easy Mac when Eliss and I went grocery shopping more than a year ago and I went "Eeeeyer, this kind of food can eat meh?" when she grabbed a couple of boxes of it.

Then I had my first taste of it - it was part of the stash of food Joy left for me when she went back to SG for good - and it was sooooooooo yummy! Ever since then, I've been having lots of it. Izzy has a hidden drawer of Easy Macs in the office as well, which makes accessibility to these snacks very easy!

Now, there are 3 flavours: cheese (this is the original flavour), chicken, and a brand new flavour BEEF. The beef one is good good good and I had 2 packs of it for lunch today.

I know many people have been nagging at me for my large consumptions of such instant rubbish food. I am fully aware of the nutritional contents, or the lack of it, of instand foods in general. But the lazy me just can't bear the thought of having to spend hours cooking up something and washing up afterwards for a meal that is consumed in minutes by me and myself alone.

Back when apartment Unit 39 (no more U39 now! sad!) was a bustling hive of activity filled with BH's, the prawn's and JTOBT's laughter, I would painstakingly whip up an entire dinner complete with meat, vege and soup. BH and I sometimes got creative and did exotic weird concoctions that always turned out delicious. I will always remember the PERFECT fish 'n' chips we served on the dinner table cos of some impulsive thought at work one day. And the huge pot of BH's special pasta that sold out and made us a little profit in the office - that was totally unexpected!

*I drag myself unwillingly back from memory lane* Dreadful as it may seem to have to go through the hassle of cooking healthier food for myself, I have decided to start slow by making some simple homecooked meals on the weekends when I'm in Sydney. (I'm rather ashamed to admit that my resolutions for 2008 were to exercise more - no progress, and eat healthier - am finally getting my fat arse off the couch to start at least something.) I started this "Project Homecooked Food for Myself" last weekend because of some sudden cravings for BH's pasta (and endless nagging from a certain someone *wink*) and hopefully will keep up with the enthusiasm.

For the records, I spent 2 hours preparing one portion (two big bowls) of BH's special pasta for dinner last weekend and gulped it all up in less than 15min and was totally satisfied. Applause please.

1 comment:

Shanewei said...

looking good.. have fun!!