we just yakked and yakked and yakked...

Impromptu friday dinner plans: Someone in office asked "shall we go eat hot pot?" "Onz la." No hesitation. And off we went to the Chun's-100%-LS-hit-rate spicy hotpot place at Sussex St. I really like the Sichuan cold noodles there.

The amount of noise you get when you throw 4 hot bitches in a room is just incredible. The poor male partners got their earfuls of endless yak-yakkings. Maybe we should get ear plugs for them next time.

We then caught up with my old friend at Bungalow 8 for some drinks to flush down all the spicyness from the hotpot. He realised to his horror, that he's known me since I was 19 and that 9 years have flown past just like that *snaps fingers*. *a few seconds of very 感慨 moments* Then I suddenly realised, having known him for 9 years, this is the second time we took a photo together. The first was taken a few days ago when we met for some Max Brenner's chocolate. What have we been doing the last 9 years? How could we not have taken a single pic together all these years?

I had some great discussions and debates with the girls over many rounds of jaegerbombs, B52 shots, vodkas and chivas. I really enjoyed the conversations. It does not mean that all in a group has to share the same opinions on every subject to get along. Disagreeing about something and having an open discussion on various subjects actually helps people understand each other better. Some people have the misconception that disagreements = quarrels. Not entirely true. Through our mini debate on the topic of religions, I have come to know the girls better and I'm glad for that.

You know you have taken the relationship further from being mere colleagues to becoming friends when you can tell each other in the face what a bitch you are and still be cool, shake hands, make up and laugh about it afterwards. I'm not talking about the hypocritical politically correct handshake that means wah-lao-eh-must-maintain-the-pr-cos-we-still-have-to-work-together-leh, but the sincere genuine aiya-what-the-heck-I'm-a-bitch-and-you're-a-bitch-and-so-we're-happy-to-be-friends-and-we-don't-care-what-the-other-bitches-think-of-us kind of laugh. I think the latter is what we had last night.

After the girls and their partners left, I had a 2+ hour heart-to-heart talk with my old friend til 5am in the morning. Ah... the friendship... the many miscommunications and misunderstandings... how the years have gone by... how we became who we are now... the honesty... it's all good. It amazes me how two random strangers can meet in a pub and build up such a strong sturdy friendship that has lasted for nine years and that will last for many more nine years to come (hopefully).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loved the title...