
I have been poring through the PetRescue website looking to adopt a puppy. Fell in love instantly with this kelpie x border collie puppy named after "Indiana Jones" because of his adventurous nature. I love his beautiful colours, the intelligent and mischievous look in his eyes and that cutest little patch on his nose. I sent an email enquiring about the adoption process for Indiana - he's currently housed in a shelter in Western Australia, and was advised they don't rehome the pups interstate. Even if they do, I don't think I will let
7-week old Indiana go through the whole traumatising quarantine process. Sad.


Unknown said...

SQUEEEEE!!! SO CUTE!! but why wouldn't they rehome interstate...?

monkeycrab said...

Some shelters don't rehome interstate... maybe it's too troublesome for them? I dunno. I asked but they wouldn't provide a reason. This particular person I am corresponding with re this puppy isn't very friendly at all...

o8ight said...

the person male or female? maybe PMS? try in another 2 weeks' time... haha

Eliss said...

so cute lor...if you manage to get Indiana home, you might adopt me too. I will hang out at your place all day long with Indiana...

Eileen Chong said...

totally right, this puppy deserves a loud SQQQQUEEEEEEE!!

there are many more puppies out there that need a good home, though. some don't even make it to the internet. try the local shelters, like Sydney Dog and Cats Home, or the RSPCA.

Anonymous said...

Jac, where got quarantine? Don't have, for interstate. And if you send back to S'pore, also no quarantine. Get a dog lah, it will greatly improve the quality of your life.