that mary-jane

I've been browsing through Bianca shoe collections online and really really like their shoes.

These four pairs are my favourites at the moment, especially the golfer-inspired black and white mary-jane flats (2nd row, 1st pair). I thought they would look nice on tudi too.

Fairly affordable too with prices ranging from SGD29.90 - 79.90 per pair. The only problem I have now is they don't have these designs in my sizes anymore (Both the golfer-inspired pairs in the 2nd row have completely sold out). I have contacted the owner to see if there's any possibility of custom-making one more pair for me, but no, "they produce limited quantity per design and colour and do not reproduce their previous collection designs to provide exclusive style for their customers".

(Btw, the link to the above shop is also listed in my blog's left hand column under "online shopping - products and services" if you also wanna windowshop there.)

The good news is that tortillagirl on etsy has put up another Big Fat Peekaboo Heart Bag that I missed when it sold out the last time (I even secretly cursed and swore and cried in my heart). I will just ponder over whether I should really get it and sleep on it for one more day... and see... because, well, you see, it's not exactly very cheap, leh...

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