kungfu dunk

My newfound shy shy & pretty friend treated me to a movie - Kungfu Dunk! She doesn't want her identity exposed so I promised I won't post her photo on my blog. But she has such a lovely smile that I just have to share it (the smile) with everyone to brighten his / her day. Hence the mosaic-ed face. I have even mosaic-ed her clothes so no one can identify her from that! :P (You won't be angry, hor?)

Btw, Kungfu Dunk proved to be quite a disappointment. The only saving grace is really just Jay Chou. He is just soooooooo cute. I thought the show was ok until the 4 kungfu masters appeared at the inter-varsity basketball finals and joined in the game. It was absolutely ridiculous the way they tried to manipulate the game with ridiculous kungfu moves. Before their appearance, the boys at least played proper basketball even though Jay Chou had the advantage due to his kungfu background.

One of the Jay Chou songs bamboohorse sang at karaoke (I forgot the name), the MTV showed how he lost his GF cos she cannot handle his stardom and the paparazzi. Jay, come to me baby. I can handle it!!! LOL.

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