drum class #2

[Originally posted on my old moblog site. Republishing here now.]

Went for my second drum class today. Skipped a session last saturday as I didn't quite feel up to it.

Today my tutor made me do the double beats faster. My left hand proved to be much weaker than my right and according to him, I have a broken left hand. Bleah. I've got to do a lot of the rhythm drills before I see him again next week. He's gonna hit my head with the boom stand if I don't show improvement. Scary.

I also learnt basic drum fillers today. Fillers as in you know the dong dong tom tom DONG DONG TOM TOM CRASH!!!!!! all in one bar thing????

On the side, I learnt how to say 'do you understand' in italian - 'mee-ka-pish-see'. And 'si' for 'yes'.

Also learnt to say a few english words in various accents:

Further is 'foida' and three is 'tree' and thirty third is 'toity tod' with the brooklyn/jersey accent.

Coffee is 'cO-feee' and vanilla is 'van-Ella' with the new york accent.

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