little benji

These are some of my best shots for the NZ trip mainly because I had the best model ever. Those genuine honesty and innocence in his eyes make it impossible not to fix your gaze or lenses on him.

I especially love the ones of him crying. This was when he was begging us to take him home because he was terrified of the seals at Red Rocks. He was looking straight at me for long minutes, imploring me to save all of us from the evil animals.

No matter how hardened one's heart may already be by the abundance of false tears in this world of hypocrisy, seeing such real untainted emotions flow through the eyes of a two and a half year old still triggers feelings of benevolence long since deeply buried such that one is willing to offer one's love wholeheartedly and unconditionally to the child.

There may still be hope for the human race.


Paw Paw said...

Dear Monkey Crab. I love the photos and descriptions you have posted. I can't wait to show them to E and L. Poor Ben!

o8ight said...

Benji!!! i love that name

JT said...

I love this post because of the emotions portrayed here. This is good.