i got a mms!

I received a text message on the phone at 10.20pm that read:

"You've got a MMS from 65 9xxx xxxx. View your MMS at mms.ideas.singtel.com/mms on the web using the password xxxxxxx within 48 hours."

Yay! I got a MMS! I was so excited. As I wondered who could have sent me that MMS and what could have been the content in it, I skipped to my lappy to retrieve the MMS on the net - okay I am still using an old fashioned phone that's like a thousand years old that doesn't support MMS, so what, I don't care. I rarely receive MMSes okay!

"This must be a surprise from an old friend... but I wonder who it is..." I thought.

Before I could even log in at the singtel site with the password provided, my phone rang. Private number, it showed. "Wah wah wah, this person is so impatient, can't even wait for me to retrieve it, must be something really interesting," I said to myself.

"Hello," I chirped.

"Hi Jac, did you get my MMS?"
(Uhhhh.... the voice sounded familiar... where did I just hear that voice, like, just a few hours ago?)

"It was a concept I tried explaining to you a few days ago for that project abc, remember? I saw it and took a pic to show you, can you see it?"

"Oh... ya... I got it..."

It was my boss, calling me from SG. *Sigh* And I thought someone out there was thinking of me and decided to send me something nice. ZZZzzz... Somebody! Anybody! Please send me a nice MMS because you are thinking of me, can? I am very deprived of MMSes!


Madam J said...

well, at least Boss was thinking of you =p

Madam J said...

well, at least Boss was thinking of you =p

o8ight said...


btw fyi, if we send MMS overseas from here, the recipient has to download the MMS online - regardless if their phone supports MMS or not. At least this is the case for Vodafone prepaid mobile... dunno abt the other providers