cronulla beach

Today's photowalk itinery was Cronulla Beach. See dream house below. So who wants to buy it for me? It's only AUD400,000 for a one bedroom unit.

The water is so still you can clearly see the couple's reflection below.

Chio chio supermodel slim and long legs. Any takers?

I really love my own shadow, you know?

How many more warm and sunny weekends will there be before the cold winter sets in? I reckon June will be depressing, no more such photowalks.


Anonymous said...

The second pic, did u do any post processing on the pic? OR issit taken straight from the camera? i like the colour!

oh by the way, i going perth/WA region next week...woo hoo...photoshoot trip for 10 days.

monkeycrab said...

refer to my reply to your comment in the paparazzi snap snap snap entry la... wah photoshoot trip!!!! must show me the pics leh!