of birds and cats

As you can see, I have been having fun with the zoom lens. The above pics were all taken at or around the Ultimo area when I went for a sashimi lunch at the Sydney Fish Market last weekend.

Top left: I love the look of intense concentration from the cat. Because everything was grey - cat had coat of grey fur; weather was gloomy with storm clouds looming overhead - I converted this to a black and white photo but preserved the colour of the eyes.

Top right: This seagull was defending its fish, hence the stance, and I happened to be behind it - what good timing.

Bottom left: This clueless birdie was hilarious! I was feeding some seagulls and crows at Wentworth Park just next to the Fish Market and it stood to one side darting me quick cross-eyed looks of curiosity, its head turning this way and that, seemingly not understanding why the other birds were flocking towards me and the food in my hands.

Bottom right: This cat snuggled up to me as I was shooting the other grey cat above. I thought its expression very interesting - I can't decide if it's frowning or smiling here.

The remaining photos taken on my short Ultimo/Glebe exploration can be found here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like the bird butt one!!! LOL