assignments for P-C-M-U

As part of 'Project Cheer Monkey Up', I was given a few assignments by a few friends who care:

- dress up a bit to look good
- go for a walk in the sun for some vitamin D
- EAT (it was suggested I go to a nice cafe)
- go get some fresh food/fruit
- go shopping and identify at least five items that Tudi / BH will like

It was an enormous effort for me to take the first step towards loving myself (I have a tendency to love others more than my own self) and convince myself to accept my friends' support (I have a problem with reaching out for help - I always think it as inconveniencing others).

After cooping myself up and crying my eyes swollen for days, I accepted that I can't solve all my problems at once right away and said to myself "Just Phuck It." (inspired by Tudi's msn pic) and just simply relax for a day.

So on this beautiful Saturday, I did a bit of catching up with sleep (I had been sleeping 2 - 3 hours a day for the whole week), then started the day with completing the above assignments in mind.

Because I hadn't been eating much the whole week, I lost 3kg in five days. You may say this is bad. But the good thing was I can now fit into this six years old super garang Levi's dress that had just been in storage for the past three years because I had grown sooooooo fat. I felt slim and pretty when I stepped out of the house. I also unexpectedly bought a dress while spending the day photowalking Newtown (again) - a simple black dress with pop up roses at the hem. Sexaaaaaay right?

Spent the day walking the whole stretch of Newtown and taking photos. I will upload the photos in another entry later. It was a sunny day so I hope I absorbed lots and lots of vitamin D. Explored the weekend market there and found an old army bag which can be worn two different ways and is big enough to fit my camera with an attached lens in for short photowalks. I like it a lot!!! It so matches my garang outfit today right?

Besides the dress and the bag, I also treated myself to some nice tortellini alfredo at the super popular Pastizzi Cafe. I took a pic of their specialty pastry snacks but didn't order them. I was feeling greedy and hence went for a full main pasta that I only consumed about 20% of because my body is somehow rejecting food now.

Last assignment: five things I think that Tudi / BH will like.

Muppets hanging on a bicycle - I only know Miss Piggy, what's the other one? And a brown bear going for $5. I feel sad for the bear being chucked aside on the ground like this. It must used to have an owner who loved it. Ah, how fleeting love is.

Bright smiley spidey hanging from a tree watching the crowds at the market.

Sexy red underwear specially for BH. I know he secretly really wants one of these. Hmm... but it may be a little small for BH's BD.

Eye candies! Stylo girl for BH and rugged man for Tudi (although I think the beard can go).

The Complete Works of Shakespeare for Tudi. And we should all go down Ghost Valley together!

An ornamental pumpkin to allay Tudi's fear of eating pumpkins - I find this so unbelievable that I thought I dreamt it up and had to verify with Tudi today. And nice shoes for all of us!

So how did I do? I think I deserve A***!!! What's next?


Eileen Chong said...
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Eileen Chong said...

HMPH... where is your fresh fruit??

monkeycrab said...

errr.... u said fresh food or fruit... i consumed freshly made pasta for lunch = fresh food? don't be so strict la t'cher.

Edmond Wu said...

Not A+++++, but so good I'll confer you a honourary phd straight away. wahaha.

fav tudi said...

rofl, tudi gives u A+!!! Not so many plus plus plus yet! U ready for your next assignment??? It's called 5-Different-Eye+EyeLash. Express your creativity!!!! :D