exploring bundeena

I brought my new toy on its second trip out to explore the great outdoors on the weekend leading up to my special monkey day.

Destination: Bundeena in the Royal National Park, Sydney South
Objective: to test out my zoom lens and the newly acquired remote shutter release

I had a delightful time watching and capturing shots of humans and birds engaging in their weekend activities with the zoom lens. My favourite shot of the day is the silhouette of a man reading with his back facing me while a flock of seagulls gathered around him.

I have also included some other favourites below. I particular like the second photo from the left where the waves rushed in at varying speeds along the beach to wash off the deeply imprinted footprints. The third pic from the left is a result of a long exposure shot with the camera mounted on a tripod and the remote shutter release cable plugged in; the starry lights and the orange luminance of the calm waters under the bridge create a rather magical scene.

You can view the full set here.

1 comment:

o8ight said...

"The flock gathers" prints are cute :D