the furry residents

Istanbul is a city of cats. Below is a showcase of a little project I did on a morning walk: Feline sightings within an hour of arrival.

"Will you be my friend?" was taken when a little kitten assumed this position near my boots and remained staring at what must have appeared as towering brown monsters to it for more than a few heartbeats.

"Waiting to pounce on the Adidas" was taken when I noticed a cat lurking around under stools in a roadside cafe. Its black and white coat of fur coupled with the same coloured stripes on that pair of sneakers prompted me to do away with the distracting colours for this picture.

Left: "Behind bars" is of this cat behind a gate that looked at me with the most soulful eyes as if it was imploring me to set it free albeit it could have easily slipped out through the gaps.
Right: "Whatcha eating?" features that same cat in "Waiting to pounce on the Adidas" that had turned its attention to some plates of food at a neighbouring table.

Left: The model in "Daydreaming" strikes a great resemblance to Garfield, don't you think?
Right: This one glaring at me looks like it's "On guard duty" while its mates snoozed.

"Will you buy a coaster from me please?" is of one without much business sense as it stubbornly refused to remove its paws from the very coasters I sought.

And finally, "Cat nap" is of course of a cat taking a nap.