night in with the girls

A couple of weeks ago, a bunch of girls from work who all live a street away decided to stay in for a quiet movie night. Dinner was instant noodles with special ingredients - tea leaves egg and spicy marinated pork cubes.

Noodles being cooked.

Ta-dah! Our special noodles. Tastes super yummy!

Here's the professional noodle chef preparing our dinner.

Left: Hamster!
Right: Designated washer.

A brief conference on the carpeted floor followed as we shortlisted the movies for the night. We had to shelf the chinese movie night plan to another day as Aussie Flatty Dude was around too.

The movie selection panel sprawled on the carpeted floor.

All the chicken legs lined up on the huge comfy leather sofa facing the huge screen.

A very relaxing way to spend a Saturday night. We just need a wider selection of more interesting movies on the list. On this night, we chose to watch The Blind Side without a clue what it was going to be about, and were very pleasantly surprised by how much it touched us. Next up, I am eagerly awaiting the animation How to Train Your Dragon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


the chicken backsides and legs is quite a funny sight