friday nights

[Original entry posted here.]

It's 5.28pm on a friday evening. Almost time to pack up, shut down my laptop, and leave the office. With nowhere to go. Shops everywhere will be closed. Nobody fun I'd like to ask out to hit the clubs. Nobody I'd want to ask out for karaoke.

I miss the friday nights back in SG when I'd rush home after work, nap, eat, bathe and get ready to paint the town red. No need for phone calls. No need to ask. Everyone that mattered would be there at wherever we used to hang out.

Our regular table would be reserved. Permanent reservation for me and my gang. Our favourite corner. Our favourite wine chilled and ready to be served. Our favourite songs on the waitlist to be played. Sometimes I would be queued for the pool table without me even having to be physically there.

What I would give to be able to just savour another such night.

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