new note

Knowing you is a note unknown
A note that cannot be held onto or owned
And when you're gone the memory has shown
It lingers of a voice
Once heard never forgotten
Forever in my memory it echos
In my heart it sings
And in my soul it reverberates.

Being with you is like a song in the making
Each new day is a note joined in a melody
That resonates in spaces that cease to exist
Each time we touch and kiss
As each note fades and dies
Another begins and sighs
How and if the song will end is unknown
But know by your voice my mind has been blown.

Each day you sing to me
Is for me one more day of jubilee
We will never again be lonely
As our new notes meet in a symphony of our journey.

~ Adapted from Pawpaw's 'New Note'.


PawPaw said...

You are the music in my life

o8ight said...

sweet :)

meloy said...

Thats beautiful :)