IT wasn't me

As part of our (Beh Kee and I) ongoing 'host dinner for all those who haven't been to our place' project, we invited the Tan family over this time. (You can also read about the times we hosted dinner for the Patersons and the Lees

The menu was:
- grilled flat mushrooms (couldn't get portobellas again!) with garlic
- boiled broccoli
- veal tortellinis with bacon in cream sauce
- apple pie

The pasta and mushrooms were cooked by yours truly while the broccoli was boiled by the housemate.

Apple pie made from scratch by the housemate. The food was great and we got several thumbs up from the guests.

And the star of the night was hyper little Ryan. He is an intelligent three year-old with a vocabulary base that will stump you. Upon entering my apartment, the first thing he asked for was to inspect my laundry room. He then proceeded to report to his parents that Auntie Jacqueline and Auntie Rebecca (I subsequently convinced him to call me Jiejie Jacqueline instead phew) have a top loader washing machine and a front loader dryer. He also did an inspection of our balcony in which he heard a 'woo-woo' noise and confirmed that it must have been the ventilator. (?!?!) Here you see Little Ryan in the cutest tee (incidentally IT is his Dad's initials) and moulding his playdoh into a bus - he loves aeroplanes, trains and buses - where he's obssessed with making ventilation holes in his bus.

Having been shown previously by IT Daddy on the joys of rolling down a grass slope, Little Ryan tried to roll on our furry carpet in our living room, much to our amusement and to Mummy's wrath as Little Ryan has a super allergic nose to anything furry.

When we noticed Little Ryan not running around and talking as much, we knew he was exhausted from his adventures in Jiejie Jacqueline's and Auntie Rebecca's wonderland so we shooed the Tans home. We got an email from Mr Tan the next day informing us that Little Ryan liked playing in our humble pad so much that he's been pestering to visit us again. I think we can start a childcare facility here already... I provide the food and toys while Beh Kee does the babysitting.


o8ight said...

copyrights need to pay $$ hor?

monkeycrab said...

who ask u set up private blog such that i cannot link? so too bad lor... heh

i realised when i was writing this entry that we have very limited photos for that night leh.

Madam J said...

he is way cute! and he talks alot! i met him when i visited IT in s'pore last year and already, he was obsessed with his trains. i can't believe he knows what a top loader washing machine and front loader dryer is! i didn't even know those were the correct terms!

o8ight said...


hungry stomachs more impt than taking photos..

Sunshine23 said...

OMG, I want a huge slice of that pie.. and the mushroom looks soooo yummilicious lor... yum yum yum...